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Seventh Annual John Bartholomew Bienvenue Lecture Featuring Phil Sanders, Master Printmaker

Neutral Ground: Marias Press and the Role of the University-Based Fine Art Publisher

Phil Sanders is a master printer, eduator, author, artist, and arts business consultant with over tweny years of experience in the field of printmaking and non-profit arts management. In his lead essay for the publicastion, Twenty Years of Marais Press, Sanders writes: The art of primtnaking has the capacity to multiply and amplify the aurhor's voice in ways that can lift one voice above the many. The mulititude of decisions leading up to the committing of ink to paper tells us as much about the sociteyt from which the prints originates as they do abouty the author's perspective.

September 16th, Lite Center, 7:00 to 8:00 PM, Open and Free to the Public