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Dr. Lily Filson Publishes Peer-Reviewed Articles

Headshot of Dr. Lily FilsonDr. Lily Filson's article “Intersections of Material and Literary History in Religion and Ritual of Ancient Arabia through Islam,” was published in the most recent volume of the Journal of Arabian Studies (11.1); another article of hers, "The Journey of Varthema to Yemen" (رحلة فارتميا إلى اليمن)" was translated into Arabic by Dr. Hamid Alawadhi and published in the most recent volume of Al-Masar (65). Dr. Filson also received a 2021 University of Oxford Virtual Symposium Women and Agency Research Award, for her research publication, "An Unnamed Tahirid Sultana's Legacy in Yemeni Tradition and the Early Modern Western Male Gaze." This was published as a blog post to the Oxford Conference website.

Dr. Filson is a Visiting Assistant Professor of Art History in the Department of Visual Arts.