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2021 Spring, BFA Senior Exhibitions

University of Louisiana at Lafayette Department of Visual Arts proudly announces the upcoming 2021 Spring Bachelor of Fine Arts Senior Exhibitions.

The BFA Exhibition I will run from April 19 - April 23

The BFA Exhibition II will run from April 26 - April 30

The Visual Arts Department majors are required to complete two three-hour courses throughout the senior year devoted to the development of independent studio research and to the preparation of professional skills and career goals. The two semesters are structured to foster self-discovery through rigorous and sustained studio experimentation, moving toward the cultivation of a body of work and the Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) Exhibition.

The exhibitions are located in the Fletcher Hall Gallery, Room 207 on the second floor of Fletcher Hall. Admission is free and open to the public. Parking is avaiable at the Girard Park Circle Parking Garage

Gallery Hours - 9:00 am - 4:00 pm Monday - Thursday, 9:00 am - Noon on Fridays

The Department of Visual Arts at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette offers concentrations in traditional areas of art leading to the professional Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree. Fields of study include: animation and computer arts, ceramics, graphic design,  media arts, metalwork and jewelry, painting, photography, printmaking and sculpture. The department also offers an art education program affiliated with the College of Education. Contact the Department of Visual Arts at: