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Department of Visual Arts hosts Louisiana: NEXT-GEN Exhibition in FALL 2021 for current High School Art Students.

The Department of Visual Arts at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette invites all current High School Art Students (grades 9-12) to submit artwork to the breakthrough NEXT-GEN Exhibition “New Normal” Fall 2021. The Exhibition will be hosted by the Fletcher Hall Gallery, on the University of Louisiana at Lafayette campus.

The goal of the exhibition is to inspire young artists by providing a platform for their work to be displayed in a professional, artistic venue and thus giving them a taste of a professional artist experience. The exhibition offers students a positive exhibition experience along with the opportunity to showcase the finest creative work in the Acadiana Area.

All public, private, online, and home-schooled high school students (grades 9 – 12) who reside in Louisiana.

Submission Requirements:
A high school art teacher or representative must submit artwork. Each high school teacher/representative may submit up to 10 pieces of artwork, all submitted work must be completed by the student artist and produced during the current academic year.


Eligible submissions will be in one of the following categories: Ceramics, Computer Art and Animation, Drawing, Graphic Design, Metalwork and Jewelry, New Media and Digital Art, Painting, Photography, Printmaking, or Sculpture

Two-dimensional work must not exceed 40 inches wide by 68 inches high. Three-dimensional work must not exceed 60 inches high by 36 inches wide and 36 inches deep.

Only artworks original in concept and execution will be accepted. Please review the following fair use guidelines, to make sure the work you are submitting are acceptable.

Framing Guidelines:
All two-dimensional works must be framed and ready to hang for a professional gallery with the appropriate mounting hardware (wire, cleats, etc). All three-dimensional works must be structurally sound with all components securely fastened. Two-dimensional work such as drawings, photographs, digital or printed images should be presented matted and mounted on a hard surface under glass or Plexiglas, Paintings may be submitted framed or unframed, and shall have properly sized picture framing wire. Work that is not ready to be hung or installed will not be accepted. 

A committee of the Department of Visual Arts Faculty will serve as judges for this exhibition. The committee’s makeup may change from year to year.
The criteria for awards selection are technical proficiency in the use of medium, originality, narrative, self-expression, presentation and craftsmanship. The award selections are exclusively the opinion of the judges(s).

A top work from each of the ten media categories will be selected.  From these ten works,
First, Second, and Third-place winners will be selected, and honorable mentions will be awarded in the following amounts:
First Place: $500
Second Place: $300
Third Place: $200
Honorable Mention(s): $100 (total, may be split among contestants)

Liability: Every precaution will be taken to assure protection of entries. Liability for hand-delivered works left after the pickup or shipping dates will not be assumed by the UL Lafayette College of Art.

All works must be hand delivered or shipped to the Fletcher Hall Gallery between July 26 – 28, between 9 – 4pm.

University of Louisiana at Lafayette
College of the Arts
Fletcher Hall Gallery, Rm 207
421 East Lewis Street
Lafayette, LA 70504

Schedule & Deadlines:
May 1, 2021 - Deadline for online submissions
May 15, 2021 - Teachers and schools notified of submissions selected
July 26 - 28, 2021 - Drop off of work
Aug 2, 2021 - Exhibition opens
Sept 24, 2021 - Exhibition closes
Sept 27 - Sept 30, 2021 - Teachers Pick Up Work

Teachers will be responsible for picking up work from Fletcher Hall Gallery between Aug 30 – Sept 2, 2021  or by contacting Claire Amy Schultz (337) 482-5321/  to make other arrangements to pick up work.

For more information, please contact Claire Amy Schultz, PhD at (337) 482-5321 or
or Michael Eble, Curator of the Fletcher Hall Gallery at (320) 288-8389 or