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Call For Entries: 2021 Visual Arts Juried Exhibition

2021 Visual Arts Juried Exhibition
Deadline: March 19, 2021 Fee (USD): $15.00
April 12 - May 14, 2021

The Department of Visual Arts is accepting submissions for the 2021 Annual Student Juried Exhibition through March 19. This exhibition gives all visual arts students, regardless of where they are in the program, an opportunity for their creative efforts to be recognized. All Visual Arts/Art Education majors and minors are encouraged to submit. Any original artwork may be submitted, whether a class project or completed independently. All media is accepted. Video artworks are welcome. Work must be produced within the last two calendar years. Each student may submit three works with $15 fee.  One image per entry – no details or multiple views. See below terms and conditions

Usually this is an exhibition that is presented in our Fletcher Hall Gallery, but for the safety of students, faculty and the public, we have moved the exhibition into an online format. As always, an outside juror is asked to select works for inclusion and to name the prize winners. This year, in collaboration with the Acadiana Center of the Arts, we are proud to present Juror and Artist Panel discussion THE HUSTLE: Life as a Working Artist, in which awards will be announced and presented to the public. Awards chosen by the juror include Best of Show, Second Place, and Third Place. One or more Honorable Mentions will be selected by our guest panel participants, without a prize.

This year’s juror is Corey Stewart. Stewart is a U Lafayette Visual Arts alum and Lafayette-based artist, film director and comedy writer, uses his art to exemplify the lack of representation of the African American community. Corey is the founder of Acadiana Black and the designer of the Black Pride Flag for Acadiana.

THE HUSTLE: Life as a Working Artist will be hosted at the ACA and live-streamed via Facebook on April 15, 5-7pm 2021, featuring our guest juror Cory Stewart and our panel of practicing local artists Anne Boudreau, Seth Boonchai and Troy Dugas.  
More about our quests juror and panelists here

Dates/Schedule of Events

March 1 — Call for entries goes out, entry forms and fees accepted online via Slideroom link -

March 19 — Submission Deadline

March 24 — Notification of acceptance.

April 12 — Online Launch of Exhibition

April 15 — Juror and Artist Panel Discussion and Awards Presentation: THE HUSTLE: Life as a Working Artist, ACA April 15, 5-7pm

May 14 — Exhibition Ends.

Link to Terms and conditions

Link to the THE HUSTLE: Life as a Working Artist: more about the juror and panel

Exhibition will be on view on April 12 -