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Department of Visual Art Students exhibit Work at the ACA.

2018 marks the 5th installment of thh Annual "Fresh Pickens" an exhibition showcasing student work from the University of Louisian at Lafayette's Department of Visual Arts. 

Brian Guidry, Chief Curator and Mary Beyt, Curator at the Acadiana Center for the Arts made selections from art-major students’ studio production in the Department of Visual Arts for the AcA’s Fresh Pickin’s 5 exhibition. This is a celebration of the range of sensibilities and expression in junior and senior level students’ works and a showcase to present their works in a professional venue off-campus in Lafayette. The curators chose the best works out of the studios featuring examples of Photography, Animation and Computer Art, Printmaking, New Media and Digital Art, Metalsmithing and Jewelry, Graphic Design, Ceramics and Painting. The exhibit will hang from January 13–February 17 with an opening during Artwalk, Saturday, January 13th, 2018 after 6:00pm.